3D Reconstruction and Visual Localization in the Campus

[Term Project] Used hloc to reconstruct the 3D model (sparse) of a building in our campus, and implemented the visual localization function with pixloc by training our own model.
January 09, 2024
Python, COLMAP

7-DOF space robot 'walking' on the space station

[Term Project] Designed a 7-DOF robot arm and solved its forward and inverse kinematics, then implemented trajectory planning algorithm using quintic polynomials to make it finally 'walk' on the walls of a space station
December 18, 2023
Python, Matlab, CoppeliaSim

Navigation with A*/RRT* path planning algorithm and DWA

[Term Project] Implemented A* and RRT* algorithms for global path planning, and DWA algorithm for online obstacle avoidance
June 10, 2023
Python, ROS, Gazebo, RViz