Navigation with A*/RRT* path planning algorithm and DWA


Term project (independent work) for the course Wheeled Mobile Robots and Enhanced Lab Training (2023 Spring & Summer), Zhejiang University


Prof. Yue Wang and Prof. Rong Xiong

Project Description

In this navigation project, we implemented A* and Rapidly-exploring Random Tree *(RRT*) algorithms for global path planning in a given map, as well as Dynamic Window Approach(DWA) algorithm for online obstacle avoidance. Obstacles can be added to the map after path planning, and they can be either static or dynamic. The algorithms are tested in both simulation and physical experiments.


The algorithms are implemented with python. We used ROS for communication between the algorithms and the robot, and Gazebo and RViz for simulation.


It takes about a month to complete the project (in May & Jun 2023).
